The principle of 1064nm ND YAG Long Pulsed Laser Hair Removal


1064nm ND YAG Long Pulsed Laser Hair Removal is a technique for getting rid of unwanted hair from the body by utilizing a laser that emits particular light wavelengths. All skin tones and types can effectively be hair-free with the 1064 nm wavelength. With the aid of strong laser energy, this method burns up the hair follicle, irreversibly destroying the root. By destroying the hair follicles, the powerful laser encourages long-lasting hair reduction by stopping the growth of new hair.

Although numerous sessions may be necessary to attain the best results, ND:YAG lasers are safe and efficient for permanent hair loss. Although more delicate places like the underarms and even the face can benefit from using this type of laser, it is frequently utilized on larger body parts like the legs, arms, and backs.

Although numerous sessions may be necessary to attain the best results, ND:YAG lasers are safe and efficient for permanent hair loss. Although it can be used on more delicate places like the face and underarms, this kind of laser is frequently utilized on broader body parts like the legs, arms, and backs. The safe parameters required for the particular patient and the treatment site will be determined and applied by a practitioner highly educated in using this laser technology.

The basic idea behind 1064nm ND YAG Long Pulsed Laser Hair Removal  is to irradiate the skin's surface with long pulses of the Nd:YAG laser. These long pulses can penetrate deeply into the hair follicles' dermis and trigger an absorption reaction. In order to eliminate germs, fungus, viruses, and pigments imbedded in the skin, convert light energy into heat energy. It also eliminates varicose veins, vascular nevus, and pigmented nevus while causing the destruction and blockage of hair follicles, inhibiting the cycle of hair renewal. impacts that are purely cosmetic on various skin issues.

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